Align Pivot To Knot | Vertex

12 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Branko Živković

With this simple script you can easily place selected object pivot (Spline or Geometry) on selected knot (segment) or selected vertex (edge, poly).

Upadate v1.5: Pivot On SubSelection

Additional Info: 

Supported objects:
Line, Spline Shapes, Editable Poly, Editable Mesh, Editable_Patch
Supported modifiers:
Edit Spline and other modifiers whose first sub-object level is Vertex mode.
After you install this macro you can find it under the category "bgaTools"
>>> update 1.1 - undo and redrawing are turned off
>>> update 1.2 - Depending on Sub-Object level pivot will be placed at center of sub-selection (vertex , knot, segment, edge and face). If more then one sub-element is selected then location of pivot will be at average center or at object level mode in bounding box center.
>>> update 1.5 - Added option for placing pivot at top, center and buttom.
NOTE: Works with any object type (of course selection count must be 1).
Also in case of group: Open group, select group helper, run this macro and close group after.

Version Requirement: 
bga_pivot_on_subselection_v1.2.mcr2.11 KB
bga_pivot_on_subselection_v1.5.mcr3.57 KB


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Andriano's picture

Great script!

Great script!

Speeds up and facilitates the work.
Thank you!

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