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Max does not show keys for a link constraint on in the dope sheet or curve editor. This script creates a floater to control the keys for a link constraint controller.

Additional Info: 

Run this script and the floater will show the objects that have link constraint controllers. This script works with the pipeline naming standard that is explained in the tutorials section.Only Control 'Ctrl' objects with link constraints on them will show up in the dropdown.In this pipeline naming standard any object that is animatable is a 'Ctrl' object.The only objects that will show in the dropdown for targets are object that are named with a postfix of 'LCTarget'.This way you can control which objects are available to link to.There is also a 'World' target that allows you to set a key in world space.

Installation Notes:
1) When you run the installer you will first be prompted to choose the scripts you wish to install.
2) Once you continue by hitting next you will be prompted for you 3dsmax installation. This is the ROOT of you max directory. In my case that would be C:3dsmax8

The scripts will be installed in C:3dsmax8scriptsTiMScripts
The macroscripts will be installed in C:3dsmax8UIMacroscripts
The startup script will be installed in C:3dsmax8scriptsstartup

If you are in a production environment there are a couple of options...

Option A) Install the TiM-Scripts somewhere on the network that all the machines can see as the same drive. Edit the startup script to point to that drive and directory. Then copy the Macroscripts and Startup file to all the boxes that will be using the scripts. When you update and more scripts are added you will only need to distribute the Macroscripts to all the machines that require it. This option is great because if there is an update to a script then you only need to overwrite it on the nextwork location. There is no need to restart max. The user will only need to rerun the script to get the latest version.

Option B) Install the TiM-Scripts on the network and distribute the scripts and macroscripts to all the machines that require it. This option is good if you need to take the box off the network or if the network goes down.

If anyone need help installing just go to the forums.

Version Requirement: 
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