This is a tool for the Vizard VR engine to aid with preparing baked materials for export. Specifically, for transferring baked AO maps into composite layers with the diffuse map.
To use, go to customize user interface, and select "AO Bake Swap" from the category"# SP_BakeScripts". The button text will be "AOBakeSwap".
Script Name: AO Bake Swap
Filename: SP_Bakescripts_AOBakeSwap
Version: v1.00
- Moves AO style bakes from composite
- Bake Scripts
- Max 2016-2017. Should work in most other versions
Code by:
- Michael Vladimir Nicolayeff
- [email protected]
Change Log
- v0.x -- 20YY.MM.DD -- Description
- v0.1 -- 2017.05.08 -- Initial Version. Created UI and tooltips.
- v0.2 -- 2017.05.09 -- Added main functionality
- v0.9 -- 2017.05.09 -- Now works on a selection. Removed print statements.
- v1.0 -- 2017.05.11 -- Added support for flat diffuse colors. Added support for multi-materials
- Designed primarily for use with WorldViz software.
- On a baked material outputting to Standard:Blinn, copies the lightmap from the Ambient map slot, and the
diffuse map from the Diffuse slot into a new Composite material using the selected blending mode. (e.g. Multiply).
- Select the already baked objects you want to do the conversion on. Select the blending mode. Hit "Convert" to convert
the materials on that object.
- Resetting the materials assumes that the composite maps contain both a diffuse map and a lightmap, with the
lightmap over the diffuse. Avoid using on objects that have this kind of material.
Known Bugs:
- Doesn't seem to work with Undo
Attachment | Size |
ao_bakeswap_v1.0.jpg | 41.71 KB |
sp_bakescripts_aobakeswap_v1.0.mcr | 9.27 KB |