Date Updated:
05/21/2001 Bake various properties of objects (ie. procedurally animated object into animated meshes - procedural animation into simple keys - etc).
Version Requirement:
4; 3
Other Software Required:
<a href='Extensions/web_upload/' target=New>Avguard_Extensions</a> - <a href='scripts/web_upload/John Burnett/' target=New >BFDToolsCore </a> - <a href='scripts/web_upload/John Burnett/' target=New >jbFunctions</a>
Hey thanks for script realy
Hey thanks for script realy useFULL thing :)
& here is the
Other Software Required:
Avguard_Extensions - BFDToolsCore - jbFunctions
Iam not much of a
Iam not much of a sctipter
Is this sctipt going to be written for 2009.