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BaseJump is a callback script manager which will let you :

  • Jump to BaseObject level in the modifier stack whenever an object is selected
  • Jump to a specified modifier class on the stack (if present)
  • Jump to a specified level on the modifier stack (if present)
  • Additional Info: 

    For example - if you have multiple text shapes with an extrude modifier on top and want to edit the text field manually - you can set BaseJump to jump to the BaseObject. Now you can select every object and the modifier stack will always show you the desired level.

    Another example - if you have a number of objects that have a Bend modifier deep in the stack and you want to edit its Angle - you can tell BaseJump to switch to the Bend modifier. Every time you select a new object - the Bend modifier will be selected in the stack.

    In the latest version - you can select an object - select a modifier on its stack and set this specific modifier and its sub-object level as the Local Target for BaseJump. Next time you select the same object - if Local is active - BaseJump will go to that specific modifier (even if it has moved on the stack to a different level.). If the SubO option is checked - the Sub-Object level will also be set.

    * BaseJump is a MacroScript.
    * Download and Unzip the distribution file to your Scripts directory.
    * Start 3ds max - select MAXScript > Run Script and select the file
    * Right-click a toolbar - select Customize... - find Category 'Bobo_s Tools' and drag&drop Base Jump to the toolbar.
    * Press the button to launch the script.

    Version Requirement: 
    7; 6; 5; 4
    Video URL: