Perhaps you've used the RAM player and thought 'jeez - I wish I could see all of both video clips!' Or maybe you've simply been wondering what two video clips look like playing side by side. Either way - this is the script you've been looking for!
Not long ago - a colleague of mine sent me two animation clips - and wanted me to critique them for hime - tell him which one had better timing. I played each one in turn - again and again - but they were so similar it made it difficult to really tell the difference*. 'Wouldn't it be useful if I had a video player that would let me view these at the same time - side-by-side?' I thought to myself. I tried Max's RAM Player - but it wasn't quite what I had in mind. A quick search on Google didn't turn up any such tools - so I figured - what the heck - I'll make my own! A few hundred lines of Visual Basic code - some MAXScript UI magic - and several strong cups of coffee later - ClipCompare was born.
The idea is pretty basic - you can load different clips into the left and right side and play them back in sync with each other. You can use the position slider to scrub through - adjust the Play rate slider to control playback speed - and set whether the clips will loop continuously or just play once. Buttons are provided to load the most recently rendered preview (assuming you haven't renamed it) and to remove a clip from the player. Easy peasy! So here's a brief little rundown of how I imagined ClipCompare being used:
ClipCompare - like many of my other scripts - is very easy to install. Just drag ClipCompare.mzp onto one of Max's viewports - and it'll bring up an install dialog. Hit the Install button - and there you go! Adding ClipCompare to your user interface is something you'll have to take care of yourself - though. Just open up Customize User Interface and find ClipCompare in the 'RHTools' category. It's up to you where you want to put the command - but I find it convenient to put it on the Animation menu just under 'Make Preview...'
NOTE: ClipCompare only works with AVI files - and is not tested with all possible codecs!