Find and Select VRayFastSSS2 Object

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Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Jackie Teh

This script will help find and select object which have assigned VRayFastSSS2 material.

Thanks to jahman who helping me to make this script work.

*Terms of use:

The use of the script is an "As is". The author assumes no liability with regard to any kind of damage (hardware and software) caused by the use of this script. Are not responsible for any damage or cancellation or modification of the work, files, crash and or any problem in 3dsMax or computer. So if you installed the script,you accept the above conditions and declines any my responsibility.

Additional Info: 

test with 3ds max 2014

Version Requirement: 
3ds max 2014 and above
find_and_select_vrayfastsss2_object.ms666 bytes