M Group

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This tool is used to create groups like in Maya and uses point helpers for the group nodes. There are also four Macro Scripts that come with 'M' Group so the dialog doesn't need to be opened every time. All options are sticky from session to session of Max and are saved to an Ini file that is stored in the 3DSMax/CFGPlugs as mGroup.ini.

Additional Info: 

"Thanks go to Jon Lanz from Blizzard for the GetSelectedRoots function.

Align To:
Local: Aligns new point helpers to the selected objects pivot.
Parent: Aligns new point helpers to the parent objects pivot for the selected object.
World: Aligns new point helpers to the world center.
Selection Center: Aligns new point helpers to the center of all selected objects.

Group Each Object: Creates a point helper for each object that is selected.
Group All Objects: Creates a single point helper for all the objects that are selected. If Local is selected in the Align To options the local pivot of the most parent object will be used. If there are multiple most parent objects the pivot will be set to Selection Center instead.

Creation Display:
Hide Group Point Helpers: On creation of a new point helper the display properties of the point will be turned off but the point will not be hidden.
Show Group Point Helpers: On creation of new point helpers the points will be displayed.

Post Display:
Selected Only: Only affect currently selected point helpers.
Point Size: Sets the size of the point helpers when they are displayed.
On: Turns on display of point helpers

Version Requirement: 
8; 7; 6; 5; 4
Other Software Required: 
as well as unhides the point helpers if hidden in the Max interface. There is a macro provided for the same function.<br>Off: Turns off the display of point helpers. There is a macro provided for the same function.<br><br>Group:<br>Group: Groups the selected objects using point helpers as the node. This retains the hierarchy of the objects unless the Grouup All Objects option is selected where all objects are linked to the single group helper that is created. There is a macro provided for the same function.<br>Ungroup: Deletes any selected point helpers and retains the hierarchy of the objects. There is a macro provided for the same function.<br><br>Tip:<br>Use mGroup.help() in the listener for a break down of some of the functions that mght be useful to call from other scripts
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