morphette 2.0 is a universal morph target interface. The interface filters then displays every valid/active morph target for the selected model which means you can go back and forth between all the characters in your scene. Once a morph set is loaded - you can create -copy -delete or move morph target keys with a button click. The script is compliant with max 5 & 6.
morphette 2.0 features:
1. toggle between viewing 4 or 8 morph targets
2. display key data for only the selected morph target (or morph target pair)
3. quickly set a key at the current frame by clicking left/right/both button
4. copy/move/delete keys for morph target pairs in one click instead of two
5. max 5 compliant
There are a few requirements:
1. Morpher modifier must be named - 'Morpher' which is the name it has when it is added to the stack.
2. To parse the morph targets properly - they all must adhere to a set naming structure:
--- morph target that affects the left side of the model: [morphName]_L
--- morph target that affects the right side of the model: [morphName]_R
--- morph target that affects both sides of the model: [morphName]_B