Organise Specified Scene Selection Sets

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This script is very similar to the “Organize Scene Selection Sets” script except it creates buttons to hide/unhide objects based on the prefixes of object names in Max. If you have a selection of objects beginning with the letters 'GNW_' or 'GNE_' it will automatically create buttons to hide/unhide such objects. Any prefixes can be defined in the setup options and will be saved for use on future scenes.

Additional Info: 

View the Example Movie

NOTE: This script is part of the latest collection of JJTools for 3ds max 7. If you are using a prior version of max - you should download the appropriate script package to ensure full compatibility.

JJTools6 for 3ds max 6 users
JJTools5 for 3ds max 5 users
JJTools4 for 3ds max 4 users

Version Requirement: 
7; 6; 5
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