RenderPreset operator for LPM 1.09+
RenderPreset operator for LPM 1.09+
- Stores render's parameters.
- Support all possible renderers.
*Allows you to solve this bug .
*Also allows you avoid Biped & Render Preset bug which returned since max 9 sp1 which was fixed. ( Using Render Presets on a file where a biped was present and motion mixer contains clips would result in a corrupt file when saved. (max 2011 x64 sp1) )
State Sets and Render Preset addons were included by Lukas in to his latest version of the LPM (v1.13). Also all my fixes for LPM were included. So, if you want to use it please update your version of LPM.
Title : RenderPreset operator for LPM 1.09+*
- Stores render's parameters.
- Support all possible renderers.
Copyright : 2010-2014
Author : Royal Ghost
Version : 0.4.0
- Added better support for for all possible renderers.
- Added support for VFB+ (Color Correction, Stamper) parameters (
- Added "Class" UI column
Version : 0.3.1
- Support for 3dsmax 2014
- Added missed function which caused operator error
Version : 0.3.0
- Added support of Mental Ray String Options (3ds max 2011+
- Stored MR String Options params highlighted by different color
- UI Columns width stored in INI
Version : 0.2.0
- Restore original renderer params after render.
- Store RenderPreset window position and size.
Version : 0.1.3
- Fixed "Apply".
- Sorting tables
Version : 0.1.2
- Added "Apply..." button. Allows to apply stored parameters to current render setup.
Version : 0.1.1
- Fixed filenames parsing.
- Found serious bug in LPM v1.096 Pro ( For proper work of this plugin, patched MUST be installed.
Version : 0.1.0
- First alpha release
- Known limitations:
- Tested only on 3dsmax 2011 Mental Ray
- Shaders in Mental Ray setup are NOT SUPPORTED (camera shaders,material override,contours)
- When pass render is finished applied parameters are not restored.
Usage :
1. Add custom operator "RenderPreset" in LPM
2. Right click on added "RenderPreset" -> Edit
3. Press "Store..." button.
Homepage :
* LPM - Lukas Lepicovsky's LPass Manager