SGFX BoxMapper
The one's for the Max environment artists out there!
I found myself constantly typing the same numbers over and over into the uvw map dialog - so I came up with this... Allows you to quickly apply a Box UVW map of preset or custom dimensions. Option for auto-collapse. Presets are easily editable from within the rollout and it remembers your settings.
Extract to your 3DS Max folder keeping the folder structure.
BoxMapper can be found in the SGFX Scripts category in your Customize UI dialog. Create a hotkey - button - or menu item for it.
The UI should be pretty self-explanatory.
Version History:
v1.51 (2005.09.07)
Added subobject level restoring when auto-collapse is on. It will return to the subobject level you were in after applying mapping and collapsing.
v1.501 (2005.09.02)
Fixed bug that would cause the script to error out and break when command panel was closed or the modifier tab was not visible.
v1.5 (2005.09.01)
First public release.
Added auto-collapse checkbox.
Added preset editing and option saving.
v1.0 (2004.08.31)
First implementation.
Pretty lame right now."