
6 votes
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A plugin for the Sublime Text Editor to evaluate MAXScript code (complete file or selected lines) directly in Sublime, thereby running it in the open 3ds Max instance. Speeds up development of MAXScript in Sublime quite a bit :)

Based on this: m2u (Thanks to Johannes)


For more detailed instructions on where to get it and how to install (very easy), please see the post "Sublime3dsMax" on my website.



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br0t's picture

no syntax highlighting

no syntax highlighting included, but there is a file flying around here somewhere that you simply need to put into Packages/MAXScript or a similar folder to work, try searching for maxscript sublime.

and yes, sublime supports code folding by default as well as possibly every other thing you might want :D

Never get low & slow & out of ideas

Rodman's picture


Does it support syntax highlighting ?
Also, can you fold parenthesis within Sublime Text Editor ?


tassel's picture

+1 :D

+1 :D

/ Raymond

br0t's picture

Thanks barigazy, glad you

Thanks barigazy, glad you like it

Never get low & slow & out of ideas

barigazy's picture


Hey Christoph,
this is great!
Thanks and keep up good work.


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