Tagged 'reduce keys'

Crude Biped Key Reduction

0 votes


This will dismantle that wall of motion captured key frames into something more manageable. It’s not the most sophisticated of algorithms. But, it gets the job done and leaves you with nicely lined up key-poses. To use simply:

Biped Prepare MoCap

0 votes

What it will do:
- Default Biped Root = $Bip001
- Reduces the Keys of the Biped, but this will possibly not be the best
solution to reduce keys!
- On Press Start, it starts to Zero your Biped Pelvis to [0,0,z]
- If you check the Checkbox, it trys to move the Feet to [x,y,0]

BipedPrepareMoCap v1.1r
by Benedikt Rey 05/2012

Update:Fixed Bugs

Bake Transform

28 votes

Bake animation transform keys to chosen object with specified interval and sample frame step.
Plus reduce keys for chosen object with specified interval, sample frame step and threshold.


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