Tagged 'smoothing group'

Clear Smoothing Groups

3 votes

With the Clear Smoothing Groups script you cad delete all smoothing groups in the selected geometry. This script is tested at 3ds max 2016 and 3ds max 2021. If you find some errors, pls send a comment.

Script category: “#todorScripts”.

You can see an example here, how to install my script per Drag and Drop:

Edge Selection from SmoothGroups

5 votes

Modifier that converts smoothing group borders to edge selection. If you want to display the result, put a Mesh Select modifier below this one and make its edge mode active.

Smooth to Prevalent Smoothing Group

15 votes

Works in face sub-object level of editable polygon base objects.
Assigns the prevalent smoothing group found within the current selection of faces to the entire selection of faces (removing any other smoothing groups).

Feel free to modify as you like.

Inset by Smoothing Group

12 votes

As the mcg installation process was pretty convoluted, I decided to redo the InsetBySmoothingGroup modifier in maxscript - the speed is the same and you don't have to care about different versions of max behaving different, connecting disconnected nodes and all that stuff. Now it's just one .ms file, and there's no vertex weld needed either.

Weld and Smooth

1 vote
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