Velocity Channel Output
This is a scripted render effect for creating motion vector images for use
with ReelSmart Motion Blur from RE:Vision Effects, Inc. I wrote it because I wasn't happy with the velocity channel in Render Elements.
Once installed and run, you can find the script under Render Effects.
You need to turn on object motion blur for all objects and the camera in
Object Properties. Whatever you do, DON'T turn on Object Motion Blur in
the render settings.
The images are supposed to be aliased, so don't worry if you've got jaggies everywhere.
You definitely need to render to a 16-bit per colour file format,
preferably PNGs, as 8-bit colour isn't good enough.
If you are using After Effects, make sure that it is set up for a 16-bit project.
If the objects in your scene aren't moving too fast, you won't see much difference
in the colour of the motion vector images, but it is there, believe me.
ReelSmart will find it...
You don't need to render the motion vector images with maps and materials.
Just copy your final scene and apply a standard material to everything.
It renders much quicker, and the results are the same.