XrayCat Survival Toolkit 1.5 - Official Trailer
This is the official trailer for XrayCat ST v1.5. this trailers contains explanation for all the new features added for the layer manager, pose manager and mainly the new Joycreator Pro v.1.5. The release date is beginning of september.
New features list
Layer Manager:
- Autoscan of Cat rigs in the scene
- Resizable Window
- hotfix solved
Pose Manager:
- Playback tools
JoyCreator Pro:
- Totally rewritten
- 8 direction joystick added
- infinite layers (cat layers and morph target) for any map point of the joystick, with different weights
- Easing curves to give different accelerations to each layer in the list
- Added a non destructive system for editing of the created joystick