
24 votes
Date Updated: 

Bake various properties of objects (ie. procedurally animated object into animated meshes - procedural animation into simple keys - etc).

Version Requirement: 
4; 3
Other Software Required: 
<a href='Extensions/web_upload/' target=New>Avguard_Extensions</a> - <a href='scripts/web_upload/John Burnett/' target=New >BFDToolsCore </a> - <a href='scripts/web_upload/John Burnett/' target=New >jbFunctions</a>
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zane112's picture

Thanks for Sharing..... :)

Thanks for Sharing..... :)

thomes's picture

old pathes changed

i read out the actual path for the direction of the bitmap with this script:

print (getDir #ui)

so i got

"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max Design 2013\en-US\UI\"

there i made a macroscript folder with a bake folder in it and the two files...

maybe for you it´s another path, so read it out with the first script and read the result in the in the maxscript listener.

hope this helps

THE's picture

Bake animation Skin Modifier ??

Sorry to revive this old post

Hi all

Exist some form of bake the animation of the vertices of an object with skin modifier.

I'm trying to bake the animation of an animated object that has added skin modifier
using this script but does not work, removed the skin modifier and make a copy of the object (static).


mavinova's picture

max 2013

couldnt make it work.

here is the road so far:
attached to this message are the edited and bfdtools-bake.mcr according to juhoru's instruction.

you put into "C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2013/plugins" folder. as it is noted on this page:

you put bfdtools-bake.mcr and the BFDtools-Bake_Buttons.bmp into "C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2013/UI/Macroscripts/Bake"

you run bfdtools-bake.mcr , it installs the script. run it and still gives the "--No getpixels function for undefined" error.

I figured that it still cant find the bmp. but failed to show it to the macroscript. can someone help ?

AttachmentSize 99.62 KB
bfdtools-bake.mcr 35.49 KB

luck favors the prepared hand.

antokhio's picture

hi, on 2010 having No

hi, on 2010 having No "getPixels" function for undefined
changed line 63
removed 57-62
still No getPixels plss help ;]

had to go to Users\username\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2010 - 64bit\enu\UI\usermacros\ where some kind of temp or something file were created, placed everything in there too now its works!

herbap's picture

very very very thanks

very very very thanks pal...

i follow your steps... and its work in 3dsmax 2010 (32bit)


graphic design and animation

hblan's picture

follow juhoru , really works

follow juhoru , really works .
im using it in max 2009 , and i know maxscript , it works with max 2009 .
many thanks .

haibo lan . shanghai . china .

lordraidis's picture

I have been looking for a fix

I have been looking for a fix for this script for AGES. The fix works beautifully--this is hands down the best 3dsMax baking script in existence... boy I am one happy camper :-)

juhoru's picture

I thought I installed all

I thought I installed all scripts correctly, except avguard, but its already implimented in Max 2008 and up, right?

But if I try to make a button out of the bake script and push it, I get an error message saying "--No ""getPixels"" function for undefined".
Also, now Max is giving an error message saying "--Cannot assign to read-only variable: toUpper" every time it starts.

I'm running Windows XP 32bit and 3ds Max 2009 32bit.


I found the answear. If someone is strugling with the same problem, here it is:

1. The "Cannot assign to read-only variable: toUpper" error I believe is due to the use of the reserved keyword toUpper. Here's my fix:

a. In Max, edit the script (Maxscript menu - Open Script).
b. Press Ctrl+F to open the Find utility and type toUpper in the Find what drop down list - then click Find Next.
c. For each "toUpper" in the script, change to "toUpper2". Since "toUpper2" is not a reserved keyword, there should be no conflict.
d. Save the script.
e. Restart Max.
f. I had to add 2 to the end of "toLower" too.

2. No "getPixels" function for undefined - This error is due to the fact that the script cannot locate the BFDtools-Bake_Buttons.bmp image that contains the graphics for the Out-of-Range selections (most likely due to out-of-date script, version changes, etc.) To fix, do the following:

a. In Windows, navigate to the C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009\ui\macroscripts directory.
b. Create a new directory "Bake"
c. Place the BFDtools-Bake.mcr and BFDtools-Bake_Buttons.bmp files from the downloaded .zip file into this new Bake folder.
d. In Max, edit the BFDtools-Bake.mcr macroscript that you just placed into the Bake folder (Maxscript menu - Open Script).
e. Change line 63 to:
local OORBitmap = try (openBitmap (bakePath + "\\Bake\\BFDtools-Bake_Buttons.bmp")) catch (bitmap 168 18 color:green)
f. Delete lines 57-62 (the if statement related to the Max directory)
g. Save the macroscript.
h. Restart Max and try the macroscript.

Both of these fixes worked for me and the Bake script worked successfully.

titane357's picture

can't make it works with 2010

can't make it works with 2010

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