2-Tangents circle

2 votes

This script allows to create a circle relative to two tangent segments selected in a spline shape. 

New : Another version of the script that allows to create a 3-tangents circle has been added.

Additional Info: 

Enter the radius. The spinner will use the current worldunits.
You have to select only two adjacent segments in an editable_spline or line shape.
It will not work if the segments are in separate splines.
Then, click the button...

version 1.1:
-corrected a bug when using a shape with multiple splines.

A new script added : TTT-circle
(also called inscribed circle)
Notice that the segments are not necessarily adjacent.

Version Requirement: 
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
2-tangents_circle.ms1.23 KB
2-tangents_circle_1.1.ms1.34 KB
ttt_circle_1.0.ms2.15 KB


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mark pigott's picture

How about a TTT circle script?

Any way to convert this to a Tangent-Tangent-Tangent Circle creator?

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