
44 votes
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Macroscript that allows you to precisely align an object by aligning three points on the object to any another three points in space.

New: Modeless dialog; support for groups; automatic snap

Version Requirement: 
6; 5; 4
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shultzo3d's picture

it's a shame!

you are so right, i'm ashamed that I still use 3D max as my main 3D program and it has many downfalls like this align tool and grid tool that are so primitive compared to any other 3D software.

Austin's picture

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snah's picture

im tearing my hair out with this script

Why wont it align scale too? surely if you mark 3 points on each model it should MATCH the 3 points... this doesnt work its broken. It just moves the object into place on the target object but completely ignores scale.

x_OL's picture

still use it in max 2020

still use this script from 2003 in max 2020 - it give more precision than native features in max 2020 (like placement tool or Normal Align)
What doing autodesk all this 17 years? :O

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