3dsMax Camera animation To Vue

7 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Cinema Production

This script saves the animation of your camera to separate script file from what you can import to Vue.

This is my first script and i hope the mistakes will be excused.

Version Requirement: 
3ds max 9-2009, vue 7-7.5
Video URL: 


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notapix's picture

excuse my insistence, but the

excuse my insistence, but the link is down.
I would also have a request please:
You can also have a script that works vice versa?
(from vue7 to max9)

Ankebut's picture

error - need it urgently

error - need it urgently

notapix's picture

tnk. that your work might be

that your work might be interesting, but where can I download the file?

hzm8000's picture

error link

error link

nlsinh's picture

Reupload please!

Reupload please!

7ji's picture



fajar's picture

Why in rapid ? please dude!

Why in rapid ? please dude! can you upload it here!? just attach the file on bottom of the list box "File Attachment" , it's easy!

Yasuhiro's picture



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