Angle Loop

7 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Kamil Małagowski

Simple, free script which selects edge „loops” by minimum angle rule.

Version Requirement: 
max 2010 +
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KoTTBarsik's picture


Ребят скиньте скрипт, а то там регаться надо.
Можно все FREE с km-3d, если не жалко.
[email protected]
Заранее спасибо!

airbrush's picture

I agree, different interface.

I agree, different interface. Something that can be hotkey/quad menu/etc instead of the custom rollout.

Nik's picture

May be...?

Может реализуете на другом интерфейсе?
Например как Weld Max-а , который можно и с Хоткея вызвать и настроить control the Caddy

Can implement on a different interface?
For example as Weld of Max, which can cause with hotkeys and adjust control the Caddy


Tamyl's picture

I don't really know the

I don't really know the reason why this little thing can do such bug in viewport, it's just a simple callback to add custom rollout.

Nik's picture

Bugs :(

Когда я добавляю скрипт в папку Plugins, то начинаются глюки во viewport.
Это происходит при открытии сцены.
Некоторые объекты не отображаются. Это точно проверено.
Происходит из-за этого плагина Пробовал убирать, потом добавлять скрипт в Plugins.
Объекты в сцене присутствуют, но не отображаются.
На скриншотах показано то что есть с плагином и как должно быть без него.
3dsmax 2012

When I add a script to a folder Plugins, then begin glitches in the viewport.
This happens when opening scene.
Some objects are not displayed. This is exactly verified.
Is due to this plugin Tried to remove, and then add the script to Plugins.
Objects present in the scene, but not displayed.
The screenshots shown that there is with plugin and how scene should be without plugin.
3dsmax 2012

2014-12-23_13-23-57_skrinshot_ekrana.png 672.44 KB
Tamyl's picture

You can drag your new rollout

You can drag your new rollout and place it under Selection, once you do it you'll have it always on that place.

jmmozos's picture


If listed but above selection


jmmozos's picture

not listed

I feel the same that has airbrush, I have Max 2014.


Tamyl's picture

That's interesting... Could

That's interesting... Could you email me? I'd like to know what the problem is and try to solve it.
mail: [email protected]

airbrush's picture

did all of those things

did all of those things already, restarted, rebooted, converted to custom rollout for me....

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