Animation Ranger
This script intended to simplify changing time range values inside max.
I tried to make it similar to Mayas timeslider.
There are four spinners and two sliders.
At the far right and far left spinners are maximum and minimum values of range.
Other two spinners and two sliders are for zooming in and out to the timeslider.
example, Assume that you are working on an animation which should be
exactly 500 frames. If there are 30 keyframes between 250 and 290 it
may be difficult to select or move some of them because they will be
small and very close to each other. With this script, instead of
changing your range over and over, you simply enter the values to the
inner spinners, or move the sliders to zoom into a specific location.
It always fits to the Time Sliders with, so it should work on all resolutions and different sized windows.
Known Bugs:
it throws an error if you move the sliders too quick. This is because
dotnet trackbars I guess, because there were no such thing with regular
max sliders. Though it is not possible to update the width of regular
sliders, so I had to stick to the dotnet trackbars.
Nice man
Good job ;)
Thank you for your comment.
Thank you for your comment. Glad that you liked it.
Extremely helpful
I've been a max user for 10+ years and this is one feature that i miss from Maya. Thank you very very much for this utility.