Autoback Renamer

1 vote
Author Name: 
Ahmed Fawaz

This is a super simple script to help anyone who faces this ridiculous issue in max on a daily bases.

Your working on a scene and autoback kicks in. Cool now you have an autoback file in case of emergency.

You now open a new scene and then autoback kicks in again. Now its replaced your previous autoback. D'oh!

Obviously this wouldn't be the case if you had setup your project folder........but yeah.

So this script will rename your autosave with the name of your current opened scene file name.....hope that makes sense. You can view this to make sure its working by going to preference>files(auto backup file name).

Ok as i have limited knowledge with maxscript and coding in general i wasn't able to produce an MZP run file, no idea why, i kept getting error. So instead i created a .bat file to copy the script to your startup folder. You can unzip the folder and check out the bat file so you know its safe :) if anyone wants to create an MZP loader id be more than happy to re-upload or if you can show me how.

If you have any issues or recommendations please hit me up.

Version Requirement: 
autoback_renamer.rar350 bytes


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Pankuczy's picture

Update filename after "Save as"


Thanks for this great script!
I'm wondering if there's any way to add another callback to update current autosave filename whenever you perform a "save as" action.
Because right now it sticks to the name that the scene had at the moment of opening, so it differs from the current filename if you did "save as" couple of times.
For safety reasons, we usually tend to save the scene with a new revision number, so everyday we end up with some new files with names like "ProjectName 32", "ProjectName 33", "ProjectName 34" etc., but the autosave script creates files named "ProjectName 3201", "ProjectName 3202", "ProjectName 3203", regardless of the current scene number being higher.

Best regards!

Ok, so I've managed to add that callback on my own, here's what should be added to the script:

callbacks.removescripts id:#my_postsave
callbacks.addscript #filePostSave "autoback_renamer()" id:#my_postsave 

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