AutoSEL (Selection Generator for 3dsmax)

8 votes
Author Name: 
Ravindra Badgujar

 Reflection and Refraction aware selections/masks


Additional Info: 

Drag and drop in max or run script through maxscript menu. see video at link below-

Enjoy!!! and yes let me know if it helps.

Version Requirement: 
3dsmax 2009, 2010
Other Software Required: 
Video URL: 


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berdinatilli's picture

hello Ravindra, i was getting

hello Ravindra,

i was getting your script to test it and...

your download page is now php, but links here and in vimeo are still html,
and before it was maxscript, now its maxscripts.

in your releaselog you mention a version 2.1011, but the actual download link is still for version 1.59...

thx in adv.

bkravi's picture

I will soon update for max

I will soon update for max 2011

peprgb's picture

Really useful, adn the

Really useful, adn the refrect and reflect options are amazing!!

thank you very much, best regards.

bkravi's picture

Hi, the max reset is not the

Hi, the max reset is not the error, but actually programed. it required because the program modifies the current scene and all the render setting, thats why it prompt you to save your scene before it start, you always have your working scene saved which my program is never going to touch.

Note: this program is writen for the people who do still renderings in high resolution, it is not programmed for an animator,thats why it conforms the resolution.

we never use object and wirecolor pass as they lack sampling quality and antialiasing, also they will never give us mask for reflected and reracted objects which is the key feature of my program.

Please see video demo on my site for details.

Ankebut's picture

i did not received error

i did not received error messages but after using your script, max resets scene ->

Your Script generates the correct renderer (with different colors etc.) but after a second, it automatically resets my complete Scene -> Scene Lost.

Tested @ max 2009 + 2010 x64. Same Error on both max version.

Before the scripts run for the task, it always gives me a notice (the rendersize is less than "..."), continue?)

After pressing ok, max asks me, if I want to save the scene. I press no and it begins with render process. After finished, Max closes complete the scene and starts blank.

A question: Where is the difference between using this script and rendering a Objectcolor/Wirecolor pass? Both have the same result (+ your script does not work/gives not psd output atm)

bkravi's picture

can you explain what error

can you explain what error occurs?

Ankebut's picture

I tried this script and it

I tried this script and it didnt worked properly...resets my scene / gives errors (using max 2k9 x64).

bkravi's picture

Yes it is same in many

Yes it is same in many aspects, but the most unique thing about it is the ability to consider glass and mirror objects (fully reflected or refracted surfaces) in your masks. also it gives you them as a jpg files each contenting RGBCMY channels. I dont think PSD manager gives you this ability.

you dont need to have all masks in your PSD file. just look in to jpg's and select what you really want to tweak.

peprgb's picture

So this is more or less like

So this is more or less like the PSD Manager from Cebas?¿

I think it can be very useful, i will give it a try!!


bkravi's picture

Hi Fajar, Thanks for trying

Hi Fajar,

Thanks for trying it out. that means it works with max 9 too.
right now in this beta setup I havn't given the PSD support files, thats why it does not create PSD's. soon I will give it with ver 01.


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