
8 votes
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(it's a badger - get it?) one of the most important features of photoshop is to batch process a whole bunch of files at once with a pre-made action. i wanted to be able to do this with max - so i wrote this tool (screenshot) that allows you to define a path to your max files and run a pre-made maxScript on them or type in few lines of code directly in the dialog. this is great for those times when you have to rename something for an exporter - but that something is in 500 files. out of all the tools i've written - this is one of my favorites - it's totally saved my ass a few times.

Version Requirement: 
6; 5
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HamedAnimo's picture

that's great. I want to

that's great. I want to camera preview my files and my problem is there is no script for it.

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