Blow Grass
Lets you automatically animate the 'bend' modifier on multiple objects to simulate blowing grass.
Animates the Bend Angle and Bend Direction on selected objects - such that the objects appear to be blowing - or bending from wind.
You must manually create or scatter non-instanced objects with a bend modifier setup appropriately on them. An easy way to do that is to use the scatter-to-verts script found below to make copies of a simple object with a bend modifier - at the vertex locations - of say a simple ground plane.
Control for the speed - amount - and rest times for the bending can be controlled. For this to look right - you typically want the bend modifier center - to be located at the base of the object.
This version 1.5 now works properly in higher versions of MAX - like Max 6.
Since Michael is no longer
Since Michael is no longer working with Max, I found someone else (thanks a bunch, CHP) to adapt the script to Max9 (and possibly beyond, not tested). Please check the file attached.