Circle From 3 Points

14 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Joshua Newman

Creates a circle using three points.

You will find this under the create panel / shapes / Circle 3 point
click mouse button for each point. will create a circle on a plane defined
by the three points in 3D space

Additional Info: 

place this file in any of your plugins folders.

James Coulter [email protected] for debugging my vector maths
Alex Mcleod for supplying the basic circle three points function

Version Requirement: 
6, 7, 8, 9
Video URL: 


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mark pigott's picture

must explode spline to use

if you create a trianlge on the screen and close it on creation. The
3 point circle will not work, you have to explode it into 3 separate splines.
In my case I used midpoint snap.
Is there a way it can read the midpoints on a closed triangle spline?

I am trying to get your plugin to work as the TTT circle that Autocad or Draftsight has, and as tangent snap doesn't really work, I used midpoint snap on the triangle.

fox2sky's picture



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