
11 votes
Date Updated: 
A replacement cut tool for Editable Poly. Allows you to orbit the view without interrupting the tool - and allows complex cuts with edge/vert snapping. Also gives the ability to do multiple - unconnected cuts without exiting and restarting the tool.
Additional Info: 

Ever used Maya's knife tool - and then switched to Max only to be disappointed by how the cut tool works? Or maybe you've never touched Maya - and you just wonder why the Max cut tool insists on making all kinds of messy edges when you try to make a complex cut through a face. Well - CleanCut is my attempt at solving both of these problems! With CleanCut - you can make multiple - complex cuts through one or more faces - without messy edges and without having to restart a cut just because you've orbited the view**. Here's a little animation showing how the tool works:

Visit Roger Hyde's site to see CleanCut in action!

As you can see - it's pretty easy to use. Just start the tool - cut to your heart's content - and right-click to end the tool. While cutting - hold down the Ctrl key to start a new (not adjoined) cut - or hold down the Shift key to turn off edge/vertex snapping (good for those precision cuts close to an edge or on small faces). While the tool is active - you can orbit the view or even switch viewports without canceling your current cut**!

Like many of my other scripts - CleanCut is easy to install. Just drag CleanCut.mzp onto any of the Max viewports - and say 'yes' when it asks if you want to install. It's up to you to add CleanCut to your user interface - just go to Customize User Interface and find CleanCut in the 'RHTools' category.

I hope you enjoy this script - and I'd love to see what you're making with it. If you hate it - or are just have problems running it - I want to hear about that too! Drop me a message - my email address is just down below:)

NOTE: CleanCut is designed to work on Editable Poly objects only!

Version Requirement: 
6; 5
Video URL: 


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tomrod16's picture


I've tried emailing you but seems I may have the worng email or and old email of yours. I work for a large corporation and would like to hire you for reviewing and updating a script within 3ds max. please contact me at [email protected]

saschahenrichs's picture

hi roger, thanks for this

hi roger,

thanks for this very nice script!
i know this script is for max 6 but i used it for max 9 and it seemd to work, but:
unfortunately it produces lines that are not embeded in the geometry. the vertecies it produces while cutting, are not on the cutted mesh.
whats happening?
is it, because i use max 9 ?
do you have experience with the problem?
thx again!!!!:)



sascha henrichs

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