Conform to Spline

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This script allow you conform(snap) selected verticies to a spline

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shapeConform.ms3.68 KB


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mad's picture

hi and thanks for comments -

hi and thanks for comments

- use polyobjects -> polymesh dont have functions what i required :( or i dont known about them :(

- more speed (soo easy :-)) -> sorry but i dont known how speed up this script but you can speed up it a little by selecting verticies which you use(around the spline) not all verticies in the object ;)

- use smooth selection -> i try implement this in later version :) but meantime i dont have idea how to do it :)

- I tried to use it for a road, with smooth selection I could have a smooth blending with the ground. -> smooth selection doesnt work in this case use relax to verticies near the road (but not on the road) and btw use smaller number in spline segments to perform smoother road shape ;) with your number is the road like a stairs, generaly is there one rule "more groud verticies -> more spline verticies" (smaller spline segments number)

p.s. i see u have too many polygons on your terrain it must take a loooooooooong time to calculate this:) the script work this way: it takes verticies from spline and test all selected groud verticies whith is beneath each one so if you have many verticies on the spline and the groud too calculating of this will take looooooooong time :)

relax.jpg 105.43 KB
kuang123456's picture

very very good!!

very very good!!

titane357's picture

hello fun script !!! I have

fun script !!! I have some requests :
- use polyobjects
- more speed (soo easy :-))
- use smooth selection.
I tried to use it for a road, with smooth selection I could have a smooth blending with the ground.

shapeconf.jpg 45.12 KB

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