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assigned to hotkey script will do:
turns single objects into editable poly
if selected more than one object - script will apply editable poly modifier
if upper modifier is editable poly - script will collapse it

so it possible to easily turns objects into poly and edit multiply objects..

v 1.1 - script deselects non-geometric objects (by checking for valid modifier) and keeps object selection after convertation

Additional Info: 

drag and drop into max
category - impacman
name - editor

Video URL: 
impacman-editor.mcr483 bytes


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EzyPoly's picture

if you dont get point - you

if you dont get point - you neednt it ;)

EzyPoly's picture

Hi, thanks1 and 2 - good

Hi, thanks
1 and 2 - good idea - i will change behavoiur this way
3 this gives possibility to exit sub-object level into object selection quickly

aksmfakt132's picture

I did not understand the functionality of this script

I did not understand the functionality of this script
Who can explain to me

jahman's picture


1. What's the point to deselect objects after the conversion?
2. It is a good idea to check that edit_poly is the valid modifier for selected objects before applying it. Selection can potentially have helper objects or any other not compatible. None of the selection will have modifier applied as a result of that when script will throw an error.
3. And maybe you shouldn't convert objects to editable_poly if it is already an editable poly ;)

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