
7 votes

A collection of scripted material plugins that extend the VRay material. These materials replace the user interface with one specifically optimized for each material. In addtion there are things going on beneath the surface to make sure settings that affect each other do so in the correct way. The main idea here is to get a collection of materials that are quick to use - and give you good results instantly - with room for tweaking.

Additional Info: 

- egzVRayGlass beta 0.7
- egzVRayWax beta 0.8
- egzVRayCarpaint beta 0.7
- Note: egzVRayLight beta 0.1 is not included due to the new VRayLight material in 1.5

Changes in 0.8:
- All materials are changed to be compatible with the new VRayMaterial in VRay 1.5
- Some changes to the egzVRayWax material: Quality spinner - better interpolation control

- Remove any previous version you might have installed by deleting the egzMaterials directory in scripts/startup/
- Download the file
- Unpack the .zip file
- Drag the .mzp file into a 3ds maxâ„¢ viewport
- Restart 3dx maxâ„¢
- The materials are now selectable in the material editor

These materials are provided 'as is' without warranty or liability.
The materials are beta - use at your own risk.

Please provide feedback on the VRay forum in this thread

Version Requirement: 
7; 6; 5
Other Software Required: 
3ds maxâ„¢ 5 or higher (untested in 3ds maxâ„¢ 3.1 - and some materials don't work in max 4/viz4) & V-Rayâ„¢ Advanced 1.45.65 or later
Video URL: 


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yongkykun's picture

Of course it doesn't. It was

Of course it doesn't. It was posted 4 years ago. You can try and contact the author personally maybe?

diablojin's picture

This does not work with Vray

This does not work with Vray sp4a any help please?!

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