External MaxScript IDE

11 votes

  • Develop Scripts and Manipulate 3dsMax from your favorite IDE or application
  • Write MaxScript with external IDE of choice
  • Directly execute it from your IDE of choice
  • Notepad++ 
  • Notepad++ User-Defined Language template for highlighting
  • Notepad++MaxScript Dictionary for auto-complete
  • Easy setup
  • Download External MaxScript IDE
  • View full Syntax list , if you want to port it to your IDE
  • Full Documentation and Help

Viewing MaxScript Code in NotePad++ thanks to Syntax Highlight and Syntax Dictionary


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amartinez1660's picture

Notepad++ Crash

After importing the style configurator userDefinedLang.xml in notepad++, opening a .ms file in it crashes instantly.
Any thoughts?

PureSandvich's picture

having trouble installing on max2015 x64. please help!

Hi I've ran ExternalMaxScriptIDE_install.ms and got the following error.

-- Error occurred in OpenConnection(); filename: C:\Users\owner\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2015 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\ExternalMaxScriptIDE\ExternalMaxScriptIDE_system.ms; position: 3676; line: 124
--  Frame:
--   userScriptsPath: "C:\Users\owner\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2015 - 64bit\ENU\scripts"
--   assembly: dotNetClass:System.Reflection.Assembly
--   dllPath: "C:\Users\owner\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2015 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\ExternalMaxScriptIDE\MaxScriptReceiverForm.dll"
--   maxScriptReceiverForm: dotNetObject:MaxScriptReceiverForm.MaxScriptReceiver
--   maxHndl: 525900P
--   maxHandlePointer: 525900P
--   sysPointer: dotNetObject:System.IntPtr
--   maxHwnd: undefined
--   called in anonymous codeblock; filename: C:\Users\owner\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2015 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\startup\ExternalMaxScriptIDE_startup.ms; position: 230; line: 5
--  Frame:
-- Error occurred during fileIn in "C:\Users\owner\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2015 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\ExternalMaxScriptIDE\ExternalMaxScriptIDE_system.ms"; line number: 124
-- Runtime error: Cannot resolve type: MaxCustomControls.Win32HandleWrapper

can anyone help me out with this?

dkail's picture

Link Down

dropbox link is down.
can anyone reupload the files. ?

sergo's picture

Thanks a million!

Thank you for sharing the code Sven! I was wondering how are running the maxscript so that code with errors does not show up in red in listener. Now I can learn from your code. Thanks again.
I'm using your tool with sublime text.

xenryy's picture

notepad++ versions past 6.2 will crash

notepad++ versions past 6.2 will crash with userDefineLang.xml included in Notepad++_MaxScript-1.0.zip, because there are apparently more keywords defined in the file than notepad++ can handle. See here - http://sourceforge.net/p/notepad-plus/discussion/331753/thread/03d289c9?...

locke's picture


This looks very helpfull but it makes Notepad++ Crashes when i copy userDefineLang.xml to my AppData Folder. I'm on windows 8 x64 / Notepadd++ 6.4.5

superrune's picture

Crashes Notepad++

I tried to install just the language definitions, but that made Notepad++ crash each time I open a maxscript file. This is in version 6.4.3. Have anyone else tried this with a later version of Notepad++ ?

Anubis's picture


Thank you very much for the source code!

As for the editor, it's ConText, but it not so powerful like Notepad++. I just using it from a long time and it's my habit :)

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

Svennovich's picture

Which one are you using?

Which one are you using? Cause I am looking for an editor that supports a more wider syntax, since np++ is kinda limited in number of colors and the ( ) signs don't work as they should....

Of course i don't mind sharing my code. Hope you can learn from it.
I was planning to publish it publicly soon and explaining the technique.
I ll make a google doc in how the system works soon.

The main Idea behind it is sending strings using multiple WindowsMessages

Here is the source code.

Anubis's picture

exe? Can you share the code?

I use other editor (not NP++) and VBScript to run my MS code from my editor, but am curious about our solution. Well, if you intend to keep your programming code I'll understand you ;)

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

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