Face Pose Saver
A 3ds Max script to save key positons of the face witch is controlled with sliders
It's a tool for animators to save key face poses and speed up work. It's gets the position of the selected sliders and do a snapsot on the viewport and save as a button. First you have to set the "CHR" as the charachter name and set the path where the picurates begin saved.
Right click on button: Saves the actual position of the selected object's and create an image button from the viewport
Left click on button: Sets the object to the saved position
Save, Load: Save, load files
Numbered Multipler buttons: Set's the strenght of the saved pose
Set Project button: The path where the viewport picurates get saved
Set CHR button: The current charachter name, this name was used when the picurates begin saved
There is an issue when you try to load a saved files the picurates doesn't appear.
3dsmax 2017/2019
3dsmax 2019/2017
Does not work.
Takes 3 to 5 clicks to apply a pose.
When the pose is applied,
it move the controllers to their parents location instead of simply applying a rotation.
ex :
rotate Jaw bone 10degrees.
apply pose
result :
move the jaw bone to the neck bone position. no rotation on the jaw.
It doesnt apply rotations... he only applies translates.
My very simple rig uses both.
Are you planning to add that feature?
Okay, thank you for the feedback :) later I update the script.
I think that you have to update your script and to make all global variables local(if it is possible) or to give them a unique names. Right now all those variables are globa:
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax