
4 votes
Date Updated: 

Footmaker creates a simple - parametric - humanoid foot as a starting point for a character's foot. Options include rough shaping of the ankle - arch - and toes/shoe. This script is intended as a companion to - which creates a simple parametric hand.

Additional Info: 

Put this script in your 3dsmax/plugins folder before starting 3ds max - or run the script once you open 3ds max.

Create panel > Geometry > Body Parts - click Foot - drag up and right in the Top viewport to create the foot. MAKE SURE YOU USE THE TOP VIEWPORT.
Click Smooth to add a MeshSmooth modifier and see what it looks like smoothed.
Work with parameters to set number of toes - etc. When you're ready to edit the foot at the vertex level - click Collapse to Editable Poly.

Version Requirement: 
Video URL: 


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lantlant's picture

not useful but very lol :)

not useful
but very lol :)

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