Kenzors Previsualization tool

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This is a 3dsMax previsualization tool. It allows you to jump cameras and time to previs scenes.

Its the only tool I know that allows you to skip anywhere in time to create 'cuts' in 3dsmax like a video editing package

Installation instructions are here.

Video URL: 


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kenzor's picture

supports 'play blasting' preview renders as image sequences

I fixed a 2017 bug

New code supports image sequences

simply select click preview render, choose save as type and pick an image format from the dialog.

Pixelpete's picture

Preview render is immensely

Preview render is immensely useful, however it appear to only support .avi? I usually use preview image sequences to test footage and pre-populate image sequences for final renders, are there any plans to support image sequences via previews?

kenzor's picture

wow has it been a year ...

Thanks onyxlee,

People download the scriptpack everyday but alas I get no feedback. I don't really mind but it simply means I invest my energy in new tools and features as my work needs it.

That said.. If people ask for new features I'm happy to help if it's not a crazy amount of work.

Could you help my out by answering a few questions on my tool?

  • Do you use the Previs 'preview render' ?
  • Do you use the Previs Batch Render ?
  • If the Previs Batch Render made an avi for you would than be better ? ( You could then use the quicksilver render )

The PowerPreview script is encripted as an mse file so I can't look at the code. If spacefrog is willing to work with me a bit then I might be able to launch his script using my code. Otherwise the best option might be a tool to generate an Avi after the batch render has finished, or an EDL to load the frames directly into Premier.


onyxlee's picture

New version

Hi, Kenzor, this is not only such a great tool, but also it seems like the ONLY one of its kind! But your last update was more than a year ago. Are you planning to release some newer version of this useful tool any time soon?

There is another script here called "PowerPreview". It doesn't do what your tool does, but if your previs script can utilize nitrous advanced features, that will be earthquaking. :-)

Look forward to your next update. Thank you so much for such a great tool!

bones404's picture

adjustable cutting plane

Has anyone ever seen a script that would allow the "Near Clip" cutting plane to be adjusted off perpendicular to the camera-target line? I have frequently wanted to remove the face cover from a "box" and show the contents, not from dead on, but from an oblique angle. The current, fixed clipping plane doesn't let me look in without "hacking off" parts of what I want to show.

Model or Perish

kenzor's picture

New Version

Bug fixes, and 'grab mode' check button.

'grab view mode' Will grab the currently selected viewport
'grab object mode' Allows you to pick a camera by clicking on it.

kenzor's picture


hi crystal,

Not sure what the bug is. Can you repeat it? Could you send me a Max File with an example of how it fails ?

crystal3d's picture


--runtime rror:replace end out of range: 77.

any idea what it is?

crystal3d's picture

have to copy the files to...

"C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2011 - 64bit\enu\scripts"

so this is the actual "user scripts" folder for me...


kenzor's picture


I don't have vray. But I would be interested in supporting other camera types the vray camera. If anyone is able to help me out with some tests. That would be great. Get in touch if your interested in helping.

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