
1 vote
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Marcelo Souza - Kumodot


I was working on a scene where the spatial position of the objects was important. So i had developed this simple tool to help me with this task. It’s a “Live Distance tool”. It shows the distance, on the screen, from any selected object to a reference object. It’s useful for just check, on screen, things like 3d camera target distance, or the distance from an object to the camera. So it’s easier to set the focus plane even on a non-targeted camera, for instance.

Additional Info: 

How to use it :

– Run it and click “SET REFERENCE” Button, and pick you reference object/element on the scene.
– If you just want to set the selected element as your reference, just press “S”. (Pick selected)
– Now you can click any object on the scene and move it, and it will show the liveDistance, using WorldUnits on a Label near the object.
– You can select more than one object to show the distance, and you can Turn on and Off the Labels too.
– If the Labels overlap your object or it’s confusing, you can adjust the Offset using the provided controls.

INFO 1 : When you open the Script after using it for the first time, it still remember your last reference object.
INFO2 : When you close the Script, it automaticaly disable the Labels, to save processing.


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ehance's picture

Question for you

Hi Marcelo,

Excited to check out your plugin, downloaded it, dropped it (along with A cam and a couple objs) into Max 2014 and 2015.

I added my camera as the ref object, clicked 'Turn on Labels' but can't seem to get the labels to show up. Am I missing something else that needs to be enabled to make it work?

Thank you in advance for your help, and for writing something cool for the community!


kumodot's picture

You're Welcome ! :)

Thanks for the Feedback ! :)


bronius's picture

Thank you

for this simple, but very usable script.

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