Load AutoBackup File
Inspired by Jordan Walsh script AutoBack File Loader Zorb
to make an autoback file loader with option to sort by date modified.
Update: new version 2 added
Jordan script support thumbnail, I guess that is a Max 2010 or .NET (or both) feature.
VERSION 1 ------------
My code is simple, not necessary and does not use .NET;
Also offers an option to sort by name and date modified;
Check for save current file before load new one;
Convert system time format from AM/PM in 24h;
The dialog is modal, to use it or close it (to stay open is not desirable);
Works quickly and is compatible with 3ds Max 9 and higher;
Can be installed as a MacroScript (optional);
IMG: http://www.scriptspot.com/files/u9133/loadautobackup.png
.MS: http://www.scriptspot.com/files/u9133/LoadAutoBackup.ms
VERSION 2 ------------
There is no way to add thumbnails in 3ds Max versions below 2010 but
instead of adding thumbnail support I just add browser dotNet control,
which has its advantages, like access to the Windows context menu, but
most important of them in this case is the Drag-N-Drop options.
The script is open source so you can see the trick inside.
Speaking briefly, it creates a "temp" folder into Max "autoback" folder
and temporary copy selected in List file there. And dont worry,
never more than one file there, also the last is deleted when the dialog closes.
I'm not well familiar with dotNet so I dont found a way to set the browser
in thumbnails view mod automatically, but what I found is quite interesting,
1st: settings in Windows Explorer and dotNet browser controll are not related,
and 2nd: dotNet settings is keeped somewere, because they are valid and
in next Max sessions and even after a restart Windows.
So, all you need to do is to set thumbnails view mod once (on first start)*.
[*] For more details see the video.
The script still has the option to install as macros (MacroScript),
and it's still compatible with 3ds Max 9 and higher.
@Anubis: it's cool, Good job
@Anubis: it's cool, Good job you've done. Thank!
Update: new version 2
Update: new version 2 added
I'll keep the previous version 1 for those who don't need this innovation.
If YouTube video is not so clear, here is a mirror XviD version (1 mb):
my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)