Log Console Zorb

3 votes
Author Name: 
Jordan Walsh

This script is a general Log Console to be used by max scripters, a great way to quicly add information logging to your script Once installed you will have access to the LogConsole by creating an instance (you can create as many as you want) by using something like:

foo = ZorbConsole title:"Log A"

You may open the log by using: foo.showme() And write to the log with the AddLog function like so:

foo.AddLog #("test", "I am testing-General", 0)

The Information may then be filtered by verbosity or by the information origin (handy to add what function is sending the log info)

Installation: Unzip into your 3dsMax root directory

Once loaded you will have accesss to a global LogConsole called zc. run zc.showMe() to open it, or use the "Open Global Zorb Console" macroscript in the "Zorb Tools" category

Other functions are as follows:

foo.closeMe() --Hides the log. Contence not lost, you may write to it and reopen to view the updated log (faster performance)

foo..ClearLog() --Clears the Log

foo..AddLog #(<string> --origin, <string> -- Information, <Integer> (0 - General, 5 - Verbose, 4 - Information, 3 - Warning, 2 - Error, 1 - Fatal Error))

zorb_logconsole_v1.01.zip7.63 KB


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benjaminF's picture


Very useful ! Thanks :)

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