Max FreeHand Tools

11 votes
Date Updated: 

A set of tools - written as a MacroScript - that lets you paint curves and geometry over 3D Objects. (very similar to Maya Paint|Effects)...

Additional Info: 

Version 3.1 fixes the Illustrate! issues (thanks to Louis Cherry) - as well as a couple of UI problems for 3dsmax 4.2.
Scripters : be aware that the Brush Syntax has slightly changed.

Nature Brushes by Herman Saksono

Version Requirement: 
Video URL: 


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rs3d's picture

Max 2008 reports an error

Max 2008 reports an error while startup when using Nature Brushes: "--Cannot assign to read-only variable: Paint".

Has anyone fixed this or ever developed it further, it's
8 years old and still helpful!

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