Meshtools 3 with CSPolyTools

22 votes
Date Updated: 

Scripts packaged together by Benjamin Slack

This package includes the latest 3.0 version of Laszlo's Meshtools and Chris' PolyTools in one convenient installer. It will even uninstall any old versions before installing itself.

Additional Info: 

3ds max has several modeling methods. Meshtools is designed to work with Editable Poly objects and will not work with Editable Meshes... You can easily convert between types by right clicking on your object and saying Convert To - Editable Poly... Then the Meshtools will be able to work...

For further detailed instructions on how to actually use Meshtools check out Michael Plaengsken's detailed tutorial here or the archive on ScriptSpot.

Install Note: Since this is a MZP file - all you have to do is go to Maxscript / Run Script and select the file. That's it - you don't have to copy anything in any special place because the MZP will take care of all that for you. Just download it and run it...

Version Requirement: 
7; 6
Video URL: 


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samuraikid's picture

Didn't work for me...

Didn't work for me...

awaken's picture

GREAT SCRIPTS! but missing

GREAT SCRIPTS! but missing the readme files. For all those dumb bums out there that got confuzzled like me when the .mzp file didn't run good.. here is the installation readme text a-la-pip.....

copy Meshtools3-Macroscripts.mcr to your max ui macroscripts directory (for eg.....C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3dsMax8\UI\MacroScripts) and run this script from this location. Copy the icon files (.bmp, .bitmap) to \Autodesk\3dsMax8\UI\Icons.
Customise your toolbars in max.

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