miauu's Spline Deformer

9 votes
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miauu's Spline Deformer allows you to manipulate rows of edges as if they were splines.
The big advantage is that you can use Soft Selection to helps you on the modeling process.

Now all is up to you and your imagination.

Works with Editable Poly objects and Edit Poly modifier.


This is a commersial script.

You can find more information here.



Version Requirement: 
3DS Max and 3DS Max Design 2009 - 2024
Video URL: 


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miauu's picture


Hi, fajar!
Can you show me which is this open source script(by open source I mean not encrypted). Is this script works with soft selection? In the description below the gif image above I wrote: "The big advantage is that you can use Soft Selection...". Support of soft selection was the reason to write this script. It gives you much more control and freedom when you modeling.

kyle108's picture

also it would be useful if

also it would be useful if the pinch feature could have a falloff along the spline towards the ends.

kyle108's picture

would you be able to add a

would you be able to add a weight functionality so that verts can be pinched along the spline? kind of like the curve pinch tool in zbrush or the turbosmooth modifier. also would you be able to weight the overall effect the spline is having on the mesh so that verts can be positioned 50 percent between original position and spline (like have it set to a slider so the effect can be dialed up/down)? these options would be useful for organic hard surface models

fajar's picture

altho I suppose not saying

altho I suppose not saying this, is this the same as the other script that can found here man, also its free and open source. Please correct me if im wrong !!

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