Molecule is a utility MaxScript for 3DS Max 8/9 to create and render molecular models. (It may work for previous versions but I have not checked it on those.)
It allows you to import either Protein Data Bank Molecule data files. Or MOL data files.
The Molecule package also includes a material editor application with which you can assign specific colors to each atom substance in your molecules so the relationship of the different compounds are evident in the resulting model.
A full installer will place the script in the Max/Scripts directory. The addition files are put into the molecule Files Directory under the Scripts directory.
Please note: In some cases you will find that some PDB files from different sources on the web are malformed or just plain wrong in the outputted PDB format. Molecule is designed to operate with files which strictly adhere to the published accepted format for PDB data files.
10/24/2006 - First Public Release (v1.0)
11/25/2006 - Version 1.1
- Loading and Saving of Presets added[Importer]
- Code optimizations [Editor & Importer]
- PDB / MOL malformed data optimizations
- Camera AutoPlace tweaked [Importer]
- Camera Lighting added [Importer]
- File Selection: Filename only is displayed [Importer] (Fixes long path visibity problems)
- Cancelling a file operation no longer throws an error [Importer]
Features planned for Version 1.2
- Lighting Multiplier control. Sets the multiplier for all active lights.
- Replaced Camera Activation checkbox with checkbutton
- Camera FOV - On settings import displays correctly
- Option to display model using Bi-Directional Bonds.
- Settings File now contains version info and version checking is enabled
- Sorry as I add features and add them to the settings file the old files become incompatable.This allows a graceful exit .
wow! can we get this fof
can we get this fof 2009 64bit?
incredible script
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