Nudge Keys

12 votes
Date Updated: 

Move objects or subobjects with the keyboard. subobject mode currently works for editable splines - lines - meshes - and polys. if you try it on an edit mesh/poly/spline modifier - it asks you it you want to collapse the stack up to that modifier or cancel. also included is a nudge to grid script - which rounds up or down the position values for verts or objects(useful when you need to reposition stuff on the grid) email me with any bugs you run across (raducu @ gmx dot net)

Additional Info: 


Copy the script to 3dsmaxscriptsstartup. after running it - you can set the appropriate keys. (customize - customize user interface - keyboard - category: 'nudges')

Version Requirement: 
7; 6
Video URL: 


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othoap's picture

Works now, thanks

Works now, thanks

othoap's picture

Bad link

download link bad

Wagner's picture

You are a god for this one,

You are a god for this one, I have been waiting and waiting for this feature..

donomanx's picture

Awesome plugin. Can't seem

Awesome plugin. Can't seem to get the nudge to grid to work though.

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