Object ID Organizer

24 votes
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 - Select / Filer from selected Layers
 - assign Unique or Random IDs for multiselection
 - new '-' and '+' buttons to shift selected IDs by +1 or -1
 - added 'Add name prefix: #' (in Add to Render Elements) - for automatic channels in Pulze Post Manager

Free test versions available - Please check end of description

Object ID Organizer is similar to my previous Material ID Organizer.

It helps to quickly organize / inspect Object IDs in the scene and create MultiMatteElelemnts or Corona CMultiMatte.

- Sort object list by Name, ID, Class or Layer
- Multiselect and change ID
- Reset all MatID to 0 (select all -> press 0 button)
- Select on list by ID (switch "change" -> "select" or "add to select")
- Select and Auto-select by scene objects
- Filter and Auto-filterby scene objects (it will show only selected scene objects)
- And otherway - select scene objects by selected list items
- Add / Delete MuliMatteElements or Corona CMultiMatte (depends of current renderrer)
- Buttons 0 to 149 (just scroll down)
- 2 Highlight Button colors:
    - Blue - shows used Object ID
    - Red - shows selected items


- ID - G-Buffer Object ID - 0,1,2,3,4,5,....... (buttons up to 149 - let me know if you need more)
- Name
- Class
- Layer


How to Use:

- It's a script only so simply drag and drop to 3ds max.
- To assign ID -> Left mouse click on ID button or A/S button
- To select with specific ID -> Right click on ID button or A/S button
- Add to selection -> Hold Ctrl and Right click on ID button
- To reset all to ID 0 -> select all -> Left click 0 button



v1.14.03 test  (2023-07-04)
- fixed / removed empty IDs on the end of the render elements list
- fixed Automatic activation
- updated deactivation process - added Automatic (online) deactivation

- new 'A/S' button to Assign / Select
  - Left-Click  - Assign
  - Right-Click - Select
- new "Multi" (CheckButton) to enable Multi - Assign / Select option
- new 'U' Unique Assign (check-button)
- new 'R' Random Assign (check-button)
- new '-' and '+' buttons to shift selected IDs by +1 or -1
- added 'Add name prefix: #' (in Add to Render Elements) - for automatic channels in Pulze Post Manager

 - Select / Filer from selected Layers (similar to select form objects but recognize selected layers)
 - New options in Add to Render Elements dialog:
    * Include Names ( layer / group / object names in render elements names )
    * Mono mask (all RGB has same id - it is black and white mask)
    * Red Mask Only (each element has only Red channel is on)
    * Button "Save Log" - saves .txt Log in same location as max file
       + it collects multimatte render elements and creates list of output IDs
       + collects names form layer / group / object and add it to the list)
    * right click on "Save Log" it will open log in notepad
 - assign Unique or Random IDs for multiselection
 - save settings on dialog close: toggle buttons + dialog size and position
 - fixed red button highlights - for selected IDs
 - more options in Add to Render Elements dialog 
 - fixed selection issues ( Ctr+A, Ctr+I, Ctr+D and All, Invert, None)
 - fixed select objects by ID ( right click on ID buttons + "A" on - auto  select objects)
 - keeps settings till max is closed
 - added "Z" button - zoom selected
 - Select + Filter can work together now
 - Autoselect scene object base on list selection - "A" button next to "Select Objects"


Let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions




Full version available on my web:


All purchases will be send automatically in few minutes.
All updates till v2.00 will be send automaticaly too to your email.

Free test versions available -> One condtion only -> You need to write comment / review after testing  :)
Please let me know if you want to test it.


Automaticaly creates a list of used Object IDs.
Press Add button to create MultiMatte Render Elements (automaticaly recognize renderer, if Corona creates CMultiMatte )


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pixamoon's picture

Re: Xrefs

Yes, you right,

Will add that in new updates,


borowiak's picture

Its good, but doesnt work with xref workflow.

Your script is great, but doesnt work with xref files. If you set up ID's inside xref file, the script wont see them in a main scene file - you cant automaticly create render elements with ID's coming from xref.

Do you see possibility of fixing that, or creating some other solution to work with xref files?

pixamoon's picture

Re: auto object ID on a layer

Hi Bobpanil,

Sure I can add that too. But it can slow down scene. Let's try it.

Definitely I can add a button to organize object IDs per layer or prefix in name.


bobpanil's picture

auto object ID on a layer?

can this script automatically assign a specific object ID to all objects in a layer?:
1. Add object to a specific layer = Object ID ##.
2. Remove object to layer 0 = Object ID 0.
3. Move object to other layer - inherit specific Object ID ##.

Can it be done?

arch3d's picture

Perfect time saver

Thanks for script:)

pixamoon's picture

No prob, will add this option

No prob, will add this option it in next version


trick's picture


Exactly what I mean. Would help a lot:)

pixamoon's picture


Thanks !

Do you mean to create separate multimat elements for each id, instead RGB for 3 IDs?
+ auto renames them form object / material ( or first obj/mat if multiple have same id) ?
I can do it in next version, no prob.

trick's picture

Great script, as is your

Great script, as is your mat-id organizer.

If you can make make multimatte elements with the same name as the object/material I buy both scripts instantly. As it is now it's hard to recognize mask in PS.


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