objLoader V1.3
ObjLoader is used to load sequence obj files.
new feature
*It can load sequence obj files.
*Support each obj file with different structure.
*Support uv map.
*Put the file in "Scripts\Startup" , then restart 3DS MAX
*It is in [Create>Geometry>Scripted Primitives].
*Increase MAXScript Memory in [Preference Setting>MAXScript], when processing a HI-res OBJ.
You could use buttons after
You could use buttons after loading sequence obj files.
Maybe I have free time to write details someday.
By the way , thanks your feedback by emails. The script cannot load sequence obj files whose name only containing number.
I will fix it later.
ive been trying to make this
ive been trying to make this work for a day now...
im using 2009, the animate sequence obj button does not work, as well as toal frames and end, i cant typt anything.
is there a link where this sript is explained?????