Pivot Manager

3 votes
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This script contains all the basic functions of positioning and interaction with the pivot.
This is a very simple script that aims to cut down on the daily workload.



- X: Center the pivot to the center of the bounding box
- U: Move the pivot to the top [UP] of the bounding box
- Sub: Center the pivot in the center of the bounding box of the sub-object
- Ali: Aligna object to other once by pivots
- L: Move the pivot to the left of the bounding box
- F: Move the pivot to the front of the bounding box
- R: Move the pivot to the right of the bounding box
- B: Move the pivot to the back of the bounding box
- 0: Center the pivot point (0,0,0)
- D: Move the pivot to the bottom [DOWN] of the bounding box
- APO: Affect pivot only
- Z0: Move pivot z = 0


- Interface pivotManager
- Botton for call user interface

Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 2008
pivotmanager.png4.03 KB
1.gif742.88 KB
2.gif9.07 MB


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cvuiliy3d's picture

Download does not work

Where can I download this wonderful script?

anna walkowska's picture

very useful

many thanks for the script and for the quick support to make it work in Max 2016! Works fine :)

mark3dart's picture

pivot manager

super useful ... thanks a lot.
small interface for my crowded workspace

XaBerr's picture

a bit expensive

Nice script ! Very usefull. But I think it has an interface a little small! Thank you

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