
2 votes
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Author Name: 
Andrés Fernández Cruz

PLACE PEOPLE (Commercial script)




PLACE PEOPLE is a 3ds Max plugin written in MaxScript that allows the user to place characters created with the 3ds Max 'Populate Toolset' anywhere, following a 3D spline path, and be glued to any surface, in really few mouse clicks.

New version V-1.02:

- Now, walkers can be created walking towards an object (for example, a door), thanks to the new subrollout 'Face to Object'

- Walkers can be rotated in local coordsys (relative to their origin)

- Editing path affects characters position in real time

- Number of simulation frames can be changed in the rollout

- Bugs corrections for idle characters facing an object or rotated following a path

- Performance enhancement




  • 3ds Max 2014 with ServicePack SP3 or higher. Doesn't work in upper versions (2015 and upper) due to important changes in the 'Populate Toolset'. Scenes prepared in 3ds Max 2014 won't have the proper behavior in upper 3ds Max versions.
  • Plugin will work only in allowed PC (identify at purchase)
  • Free version for render farms or sharing scene files.


  • Move and rotate 'walkers' and 'standing' characters anywhere in your scene dragging with the mouse their controller.
  • Glue them to any surface made from a list of geometry objects from your scene (Populate characters would stay glued to surface while dragging with the mouse).
  • Create a 'walkers' Flow following a 3D spline path and glued to a surface.
  • Create a 'standing' people IdleArea from any spline in your scene and glue them to a surface.
  • Create a queue of 'standing' characters following any 3D path and glued to a surface.
  • Place any existing 'walker' or 'standing' character anywhere along a 3D spline.


  • Using PLACE PEOPLE with 3ds Max 2014 Service Pack prior to SP3 will crack Max when trying to load external references that include 'Populate' objects (Max bug corrected with SP3).
  • Original animations of 'walkers' and 'standing' characters are kept by this plugin. Thus, for example, when a walker follows a surface, his own animation will remain as a walker in an horizontal plane and his movements won't fit exactly the new situation.


Additional Info: 
Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 2014 SP3
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