polymagus action items

10 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
herman saksono

long time it was lost and no where to download, but here it is again..the polymagus action items...with its amazing, amazing "blend edges" script...just assign it to a key...like "b" or something, in editable poly mode...and then go and create polys between edges with ease!

here is what it also does:

Separate Poly"--"Separate Selected Polygons

"Explode Poly"--"Explode Selected Polygons"

"DrawPoly on Grid"--"Draw Polygon on Active Grid (poly)"

"Averages Selected Vertices"

"Join Selected Edges"

"Paint Selection"

but most stunningly

"Blend Edges"--"Blend Selected Edges" !!!!!

Version Requirement: 
Video URL: 
polymagus005.zip10.95 KB


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saschahenrichs's picture

yes this is true. blend is

yes this is true. blend is same as bridge, but with one difference:
blend edges can also blend two edges that share a vertecie!!
so you can also blend two edges that form a corner. and that is so handy about this script.

bridge can only blend two edges, that do not share any vertecie.
it is also ok, but is not really useful for fast polymodeling with this limitation.

the other scripts in the package are obsolete in max 9 i think..but still some users out there, that use older versions of max, dont forget this..

so cu and greets

sascha henrichs

jabbermacynew's picture

Devil's advocate: Isn't

Devil's advocate:
Isn't blend edge the same as bridge? It's been there from max7.
Separate is the same as detach to element.
Draw poly can be done with drawing a line and convert to edit poly.
Paint select isn't really new either - at least in the native tool the brush size can be changed.
Not quite sure about average verts - still playing!
Don't get me wrong - Thanks!

vsai's picture

Oooh excellent, I've been

Oooh excellent, I've been missing this script for several max-versions now :) up there with divide edge in the 'WTF aren't these in the core yet' scripts

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