Powerful Rendering and Scene Operating Script RDFactory
RDFactory v1.0 for 3dsmax 2009-2014
Hi, my friends
It's a good news. RDFactory is published. It's powerful sexy and easy to use.
Wise Rendering
One-key test rendering. One-key GI rendering. One-key final rendering. One-key color channels rendering. One-key specific channel rendering. One-key high quality z-depth channel rendering.
Auto save files after rendering and auto path the path.
Easy Scene Operation
Auto clear rubbish and backup file while saving it.
Powerful checking resource functions and wisely collecting resource to project.
Copy-paste between scenes.
Wise Random.
Match frames, adjust time bar.
Many functions for objects operation.
Collapse and Detach.
Lights operation.
Powerful materials manager.
Camera match.
Powerful Net Sharing.
Video Tutorials: http://veimr.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3&extra=page%3D1
Not a free script
Like others i've see that the link don't work, but i've found the original website and see that cost 98$... If someone have pay 98$ and NEVER receive something... I'm thinki this is not a good idea that link... Or release quickly something...
Life is a dangerous experiment where no one has yet come out alive
unable to download
how to download this -- there is no proper link for this
+1 for soundtrack. Cool
that soundtrack is awesome
that soundtrack is awesome haha, keep going :D
Never get low & slow & out of ideas
Yup. You can attach script here and demonstration video on Youtube.
Valid links?
Looks interesting but....
All 3 links create a "database error" or "database not connected" error.
I think it's powerful
Hi guys, I think it's powerful and welcome to download it.